Wednesday, June 15, 2011


we all reside in self-inflicted purgatories
guided by the light coming from the fire we set
a flame
walking, rather tip toeing carefully
along a tight rope we strung tightly
eyes focused along a narrowing path
missing the grandeur and openness surrounding us
we are self-regulated rule followers reprimanded for revolting against our own rigid regulations
failures in our own eyes
inadequate visions of our own ideals
we pale in comparison when we choose to compare
unhealthy obsessions we are obsessed with
strive to suffer
self-sabotaging reigns
pay dues to those who do us wrong

we traverse through rapid waters because our feet seek sun kissed sand
hide out in caves for many days and curse the darkened scene
like pumping gas into a tank
we fill ourselves with goals
and once fulfilled    
     we     must      be     filled
a constant      draining    tank

drones of shells moving on by
flashing warns we're nearly empty
grabbing, consuming
a blind rage to obtain

we are civilization
we invented this game

Thursday, June 9, 2011

this is going to be a saga for sure

I love when we dance in the street
my heart skips
like the legs of a child
moving to the beat
Our hands grip
the sharp edge of your hip bumping into mine
as I twirl down the bridge over the river
it cascades

Your soul pours out your lips
and i catch every last drip
I'd drink it all if i could
your trials and toils, re imagined for projection
behind the scenes
seams glued together
reels and reels reveal how those gray hairs
burst out your brain

Let me sew you together and entangle myself
the sweetest scent
the air trapped in between me and you
it was the gods of wires and waves
a couple too perfect for mortals to concieve
of a love genuine in intention
diligent attention paid
a lover so expressive every muscle moving with the melody inside me

I see the sun in your smile and the sky in your arms
body so heavy
descending onto me with the weight of the world
brick by brick i will lift
take whatever i can
my load is lighter now
is yours?

Lying square and still i dissect your bits
what makes you tick
touch wounds as sore as they were on that day
i say
i want to know you
dive right into the pool as it swirls throughout
in your dreams i want to be
through your eyes i want to see